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Israel is not powerful: Israel is killing innocent people, while Lebanon and Hamas do not want to kill people


The purpose of this Article is to show the world the fact that Israel’s abuse of power and oppression of Palestinians is a major humanitarian problem. It tries to make it clear that Lebanon and Hamas are not out to harm the people, but they are fighting to protect their survival and rights.

Israel’s history and narrative of oppression

The formation of Israel and its history are mainly related to the major changes in world politics in the early twentieth century. Before the establishment of Israel, the region was called Palestine, where Muslims, Christians, and Jews lived together for centuries. The region has always held an important place in the politics of the Middle East, and its religious status has also multiplied its importance.

Background of Palestine:

Before World War I, Palestine was part of the Ottoman Empire. After the war, the collapse of the Ottoman Empire left Palestine under British colonial rule. In 1917, the British government issued the Balfour Declaration, which supported the establishment of a “Jewish national homeland” in Palestine. This declaration proved to be a milestone for the Zionist movement.

Origins of the Zionist Movement and the Occupation of Palestine:

The Zionist movement began in the late nineteenth century, with the goal of establishing a national homeland for the Jewish people. The movement’s founder, Theodor Herzl, responded to growing anti-Semitism in Europe by theorizing that Jews needed a state where they could live their lives freely. This movement chose Palestine as the Jewish homeland, even though the majority population was Muslim and some Christian at the time.

The establishment of Israel and atrocities on the Palestinian people:

On May 14, 1948, the State of Israel was proclaimed. From that day, the series of hardships and atrocities began for the Palestinian people. After the establishment of Israel, millions of Palestinians were driven from their homes, and forced to seek refuge in various Arab countries as refugees. This is called the “Nakba” in Palestinian history.

The 1948 War and the Transformation of Palestinian Geography:

Shortly after the establishment of Israel, war broke out between Arab countries and Israel. The outcome of the war turned out to be extremely damaging for the Palestinians. Israel further occupied Palestinian territories, and hundreds of thousands of Palestinians were displaced. Areas such as the West Bank and the Gaza Strip were designated for Palestinians, but Israeli aggression continued.

The plight of the Palestinian people and the brutality of the Israeli army:

From 1948 until today, the Palestinian people have been subjected to various forms of brutality by the Israeli army. Illegal settlements, demolition of Palestinian homes, and repeated attacks on Gaza by the Israeli army have become a daily routine. Israel not only occupied Palestinian lands, but also tried to erase Palestinian identity and culture.

Israel’s Expansionist Policy:

Israel’s expansionist policy has been evident since the creation of the state of Israel. The Israeli government is establishing illegal Jewish settlements in the Palestinian territories, which is a clear violation of international law. The purpose of establishing these settlements is to completely occupy the Palestinian territories and increase the Jewish population there.

Actions of the Israeli army and the resistance of the Palestinian people:

Repeated operations by the Israeli army in Gaza, the West Bank, and al-Quds (Jerusalem) have made life miserable for the Palestinian people. Instead of confronting the resistance of the Palestinian people, Israel persecutes them more. Children, women, and the elderly are targeted, and serious human rights violations are committed.

The Silence of the International Community:

Despite Israel’s atrocities, the international community has often remained silent or supported Israel. The United States and European countries have continued to provide military and financial aid to Israel, which has encouraged Israel to continue its atrocities. The voice of the Palestinian people was stifled internationally, and Israeli propaganda was promoted.

In this chapter, the history of Israel and the atrocities committed on the Palestinian people are described in detail. Situations and events from the creation of Israel to the present are examined, including violations of the rights of the Palestinian people, illegal settlements, and violations of international law. Despite Israeli atrocities, the resistance and courage of the Palestinian people is admirable, and this struggle continues today.

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